BookView review: Dying of Boredom and Despair by Phil Fletcher-Stokes

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Independently Published

Genre Poetry

ISBN 9798875971044

Pub date January 12, 2024

Price $13.00 (USD) Paperback, $2.99 Kindle edition

Author interview

Fletcher-Stokes uses poetry as a medium to explore themes of existential reflection, isolation, loneliness, and struggles with guilt and self-blame. In “Why Does Poetry Suck?,” he expresses a sense of disillusionment with traditional poetry. “A poem without overt feelings” presents a bleak and nihilistic perspective on human emotions and relationships, challenging traditional notions of empathy and connection.  “Did Sylvia Plath die of bipolar disorder+pnd in the arctic winter of 1963?” reflects on the tragic death of the renowned poet Sylvia Plath and contemplates the circumstances surrounding her suicide.

In “Death is Forever,” the poet reflects on the concept of death as an eternal and irreversible state. The concluding phrase “Isn’t life a bitch when you can’t get what you want the most?” encapsulates a sense of resignation and acceptance of life’s limitations and the inevitability of unattained wishes. “Guilt” is a poignant exploration of guilt, anxiety, and self-perception, shedding light on the protagonist’s internal struggles with their place in the world, their relationships with others, and the existential weight of their existence amidst broader societal challenges and personal insecurities. Fletcher-Stokes’ use of vivid imagery and unconventional language adds to the bleak and desolate atmosphere. The book also offers social commentary on societal indifference and mental health challenges. This thought-provoking exploration of human emotions and the complexities of navigating life’s challenges makes for a winner.


One comment

  1. I’ve just read this very favourable review of my own book and I’m completely blown away by it, it’s the last thing I expected was to get a 5-star review after decades of being snubbed by the poetry establishment. The way I feel right now is reminiscent of The Warden Song by The Doors. WHOOPEE!


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